Международное общественное объединение «ХАРТИЯ ДРУГГ»

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The Constituent Congress of Russian Political Party ДРУГГ

Mass media carefully went on replicating slanderous, insulting, and false publications about Grigoriy Grabovoy and he new party ДРУГГ. Their aim was to reduce the speed of distribution of technologies of control of the reality among people and to remove a competitor from elections 2008.

In spite of slander and false accusations in mass media Grigoriy Grabovoy’s activities on teaching people and distribution of the Teachings about macro-salvation continued. The number of people who studied and used technologies of control of Grigoriy Grabovoy was steadily growing. The work on foundation of political party DRUGG was being carried out. Regional departments of party DRIGG have been created in more than half of regions of Russia.

On 17th of March 2006 in compliance with legislation of Russian Federation the Constituent Congress of Russian political party DRUGG took place. It means that in accordance with point 2 of article 11 of Federal Law of RF “About political parties” No 95-ФЗ “The political party is considered to be founded”.

On 20th March 2006, soon after conduction of the constituent congress, the law enforcement bodies “reacted” to the absurd statement of V.Vorsobin about payment for resurrection of photo-robot and instituted criminal proceedings against Grigoriy Grabovoy based on article 159 of the Criminal Code “Swindle”. However, according to the procedural criminal law of RF the public prosecutor had the right to institute proceedings only within 30 days after the publication in autumn of 2005.

Infinite mentioning and misinterpretation of information about the tragic events in Beslan strained the nerves and sapped strength of participants of these events. Each mentioning responds with pain and could have no excuses. Susanna Dudieva, the chair-woman of Committee of mothers of Beslan, women who lost their children during the terrorist act could not rely any more on common sense of the editorial board and applied with an open letter to “Izvestiya” on 4th April 2006. This newspaper had initially published the false information.

Susanna Dudieva in this letter reproofed the lie, which wss being spread by mass media. This was the lie about payment for the promise to resurrect children. She informed the newspaper that in case of their refusal to publish an editorial with a reproof (the volume of reproof should be the same as the volume of slanderous and doubtful information about Grigoriy Grabovoy and the mothers of Beslan) she would have to apply to court for protection of her rights.

“Izvestiya” newspaper ignored the letter of Susanna Dudieva and refused to publish this letter contrary to the regulation of the Federal Law “About Mass Media”.

Please note that S.Dudieva submitted her letter to the addressee on 5th April. Grigoriy Grabovoi was arrested exactly on 5th April 2006 for 48 hours for giving evidences. On 7th April 2006 based on the court decision Grigoriy Grabovoy was imprisoned for the period of investigation. The barristers filed the first appeal requesting to change the preventive punishment on 10th April 2006. It should have been heard within three days. However the hearing was appointed just to 17th May 2006.

When Grigoriy Grabovoy was imprisoned mass media renewed slandering speculations on feelings of people. They again used reporting about Beslan tragedy. Leading TV channels showed Grigoriy Grabovoy in handcuffs. They declared, “Grigoriy Grabovoy who received money for resurrections of children deceased in Beslan has been arrested”.

Susanna Dudieva came to TV studio of “Pervyi” channel on 11th April 2006. She wanted to participate in TV show “Let them say”. The organizers of the show invited disciples of Grigoriy Grabovoy to participate in “Let them say”. However they didn’t admit Susanna Dudieva to the studio.

It becomes quite clear that mass media conceal deliberately Susanna Dudieva’s information. Such concealing of information testifies to the fact that leading TV channels and periodicals do not want their audience to know the truth. They deliberately distribute slander about Grigoriy Grabovoy, political party DRUGG, and therefore commit a crime. According to Article 129 of Criminal Code of Russian Federation, part 1 “Slander is distribution of deliberately false information, which blackens honor and dignity of another person or undermines his reputation…”; part 2 “Slander, which is contained in a public speech, publicly demonstrated work or mass media information,…” Insulting statements addressed to Grigoriy Grabovoy fall under qualification of crime stipulated by article 130 of Criminal Code of FR “Insult”.

Published information about positive experience of usage of technologies of Grigoriy Grabovoy’s Teachings on healing, control of events, and prevention of catastrophes is either ignored by the journalists or misinterpreted. Sometimes this information is presented with hints at irresponsibility of the authors of evidences and publications, and of the scientist.

Mass media have been distributing till today deliberately false information defiling honor, dignity, and good name of Grigoriy Grabovoy. This false information undermines his business reputation. Political party DRUGG has been created in accordance with the Law of RF “About political Parties”. Its program has been published in an official newspaper of RF Government “Russian newspaper” (see: The main provisions of the program of political party DRUGG of Russian Federation// RUSSIAN NEWSPAPER. – 3RD May 2006. – No 92 (4058). – C.23.). However mass media continue calling the party “a sect” and Grigoriy Grabovoy and members of party DRUGG “sectarian” and “swindlers” (“Komsomolskaya Pravda”, 6th May 2006, TV channel “Stolitsa”, TV show “The Lights of the Big City” of 7th May 2006).

After arrest of Grigoriy Grabovoy his disciples and supporters sent to law enforcement bodies thousands of letters, which inform about the facts of slander contained in public statements at TV and newspaper publications. However law enforcement bodies showed no reaction in response to information of citizens about violations of the law.


It is clear from the written above that

• Mass media started massed slandering campaign immediately after public declaration made by Grigoriy Grabovoy in which he informed about his intention to be a candidate to position of President of Russia in 2008 and beginning of his work on foundation of political party DRUGG for participation in parliamentary and president’s elections. Actually it is not possible to stop foundation of a party because of protection by the law. Therefore an illegal method of arrest of Grigoriy Grabovoy was chosen.

• Three days after conduction of the Constituent Congress of political party ДРУГГ criminal proceedings against Grigoriy Grabovoy were instituted. The so-called criminal case was based on framed up by journalist V.Vorsobin statement about a crime (the statement was based on false information). Public prosecutor had no right to institute criminal proceedings based on this statement according to the Procedural Criminal Law;

• The extreme preventive punishment, i.e. imprisonment, has been applied to Grigoriy Grabovoy for the period of investigation in spite of the facts that he has never been convicted before, he is a respectable citizen and the crime he is accused of is not a grave one;

• Law enforcement bodies do not react to numerous applications and statements of citizens informing about facts of direct violation of Constitution of RF, international legislation, and federal laws about mass media.
The facts cited above give us grounds to conclude that

• There is a purposeful activity hampering formation of regional departments of political party ДРУГГ and preventing increase of party’s headcount. It is evident that it is difficult to attract people to the party in conditions of discredit of its ideology and the Leader. Thus it is clear that the aim to remove Grigoriy Grabovoy from participation in elections of 2008 as a candidate to position of President of Russia;

As the activities of Grigoriy Grabovoy, including the political, are aimed at exclusively universal salvation and realization of universal eternal harmonic development, including prevention of possible global catastrophe and any destructive events in the world. (Foundation of the party and inclusion into work of political mechanisms of control is required for quick and centralized transference to all people of technologies of salvation), Misinterpretation of information about Grigoriy Grabovoy and his technologies might hamper timely receipt of information about methods of control and salvation by people who really need help but would not be able to use these technologies timely.
Therefore, the activities of mass media and of those who placed an order to hinder Grigoriy Grabovoy in an honest election campaign are anti-social. Moreover these activities might be interpreted as assistance to destructive forces because could bring to decrease of the speed of distribution of technologies of salvation of Grigoriy Grabovoy among people.

• Grigoriy Grabovoy is persecuted because of political reasons. All accusations against him are false and made based on someone’s order.

Criminal proceedings, arrest and imprisonment of Grigoriy Grabovoy ARE ILLEGAL. He is to be immediately released from the prison and fully acquitted and rehabilitated in social opinion!

We are going to reinstate all rights and freedoms of citizen of RF Grigoriy Grabovoy and of his supporters. Rehabilitation in mass media of the social opinion about Grigoriy Grabovoy and party ДРУГГ through should be implemented by publishing public apologies and reproofs in the same TV programs and newspapers, which published doubtful information about him, lie, and slander.

We apply to all people of good will: please support us!

Formation of happy future of the Earth depends on each of you!

Russian political party ДРУГГ
12th May 2006


1. About Russian political party ДРУГГ
2. The Main Provisions of the Program of Political Party ДРУГГ of Russian Federation// RUSSIAN NEWSPAPER. - 3RD May 2006. - No 92 (4058). - C.23
3. Open letter of S.P.Dudieva to "Izvestiya" newspaper of 04.04.06

Address of political party ДРУГГ of RF:

Russia, Moscow, Ordzhonikidze str., h.5, bld,2
Telephone 8-915-489-5100
Fax: (495)952-02-00
Write to us:
Address for postal deliveries: 125009, Russia, Moscow, p/o box 909
e-mail: info@drugg.ru

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© Международное общественное объединение «ХАРТИЯ ДРУГГ» 2006  - Бесконечность ;
Российская Политическая Партия ДРУГГ, 2005-2006 гг.
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