Международное общественное объединение «ХАРТИЯ ДРУГГ»

 Личная защита Григория Грабового
 Документы Г.П.Грабового
 Документы в защиту и Доказательства
 Программные документы
 Съезды, штаб
 Региональные отделения
 Управление духовного зрения
 Комитет сайта DRUGG.RU
 Защита Учения
 Защита веры
 СМИ о Г.П.Грабовом
 Открытые Обращения
 Технологии управления
 Отчеты о работах
 Управляющий прогноз
 Адвокаты Григория Грабового
 Общественный Комитет
 Публикации по теме воскрешения и вечного развития
 Эксперты Защиты
 Письмо Кеннеди


General Provision of the Program of Political Party DRUGG of Russian Federation

1. Everything for the sake of the man.
All forces of the state and society directed to provision of eternal happy life of the man. If for the sake of any single person, for provision of his eternal life it is necessary to restructure the state, political and economical systems, it will be necessary to do it.

2. Confirmation of eternity of life.
Adoption of the law on prohibition of death. Introduction of technologies of realization of the law. Universal resurrection. Achievement of absence of death in specific regions and on the whole.

3. Creative generalized distribution.
Up to 10 % of growth of the gross product of the country is distributed evenly among all individuals while all other available social systems will be reserved. This will provide improvement of ecology of Russia and increase of rates of growth of the whole gross product.

4. Joining by the divine law.
Joining of the church and the state on the basis of referendum for realization of the law “don’t kill”.

5. Guarantee of the right to labor.
Creation of science-intensive technologies for provision of permanent working places.

6. Provision of social justice. Deprivatization taking into consideration the labor of the owners. Provision of reliability of the earned capital.

7. Guarantees of absence of repressions.
Analysis of historical events related to repressions. Adoption of laws not admitting repressions for political and social activities. Full re-habilitations of those who were subjected to repressions.

8. Universal distribution of knowledge.
Voluntary distribution of the Teachings of Grigoriy Grabovoi. Distribution of received knowledge about eternal creative development on the universal scale.

9. Security of the whole world.
Withdrawal of nuclear, chemical, bacteriological, and any other weapons of mass destruction to the orbit of the planet on condition of restructuring of the weapons in case of signs of orientation towards the Earth.

10. Joining of the countries of the world.
Joining of the countries of the world for neutralization of any weapons and elimination of any reasons for arms usage. Joining of all countries of the world for eternal creative and happy development of every person.
Both, people who strongly believe in God and persuaded materialists in their views about the universe, are single in the idea that the Man, as the creation in the image and likeness of the God for the first group, and as the highest form of spontaneous development of the matter for others, is the main value, and the main link, and the main aim of the process of development of the whole universe.

In the process of historical development the mankind passed through all necessary stages of formation of the Man through comprehension of the surrounding World and of comprehension of himself in this World, which brought to understanding that every person is a unique individuality, unique personality on one hand, and a part of a single human community, a part of the single Universe on the other hand. The man developed exactly through this awareness and understanding: spirituality, culture, science, and engineering, state formation and inter-state relations were formed. The world developed through the development of the Man. The Man developed through the development of the World.

This is every person who with his action (or inaction) launches the mechanism of cause and effect connections of events; builds and creates with his Consciousness that Social Consciousness, and, finally, that World, and that reality, in which he lives. Even the orthodox science could not deny today the fact that a man with his thoughts creates real informational structures, which, in their turn, influence the man and the whole surrounding reality.

Any creative or destructive event in the life of every person (and consequently of the whole mankind) is a natural solution of the great number of cause and effect connections created by people. The degree of relation of such events to a certain man mainly depends on the man himself, on his correspondence to initial Divine predestination as the Man-creator and his personal status of input to this global net of connections.

This is the way the general Law of the Universe is realized; this is the Law of Eternal harmonic and creative development worded by Academician Grigoriy Grabovoy. The elements of this Law in various historical epochs and various forms were known to people in the form of Divine Testaments or the God’s Law, which are available in all canonical religions.

Due to insufficiently profound understanding of this Law some illusions were created as if it is possible to build some social system, which would provide stability of execution and protection of some personal or group interests with the usage of means of violence, deceit, or special ideologies. These ideologies substitute the basic values of spirituality, harmony and creation with imaginary values of consumption, grubbing of enormous «wealths», and destructive pleasures.

Many of contemporary state systems are organized under the slogan “Freedom and democracy”. However freedom and democracy by themselves without creative goals and harmonic means of their achievement could not be the absolute, which would “automatically” provide development of the Civilization and development of the mankind.

Democracy is just a form of management of the state. The sense and degree of freedom directly depend on the level of the same Social Consciousness and its materially revealed structure of management, the state. If the values of individualism and consumption prevail in the Consciousness and the laws of the state, democratic state of consumers is formed. However, what is the way of development of such a state? Increase of the ways of acquisition and production of material wealths for provision of internal endless struggle of co-citizen for their possession. Business and concrete people, who have money for that, rule. Money becomes the aim and means of any activities. The culture and arts are deformed by the show business, science and production by techno-business, health protection, education, and law protection by “social” business; mass media by informational business, any work in the state structures creates conditions for bribery business.

The man has the only opportunity for spiritual development in canonical religions, but they are outside of the state and are not able to create an alternative system, which could permit a man to live worthily in the system of state of pure consumption. Thus a personal part is artificially created in the man to whom the state provides the liberty of consciousness without the real right of realization of spirituality in everyday life.

Is published in accordance with Article 14 of the Federal law «About political parties».

The Main Provisions of the Program of Political Party DRUGG of Russian Federation// RUSSIAN NEWSPAPER. - 3RD May 2006. - No 92 (4058). - p.23

Программа партии ДРУГГ на русском см.:

Основные положения программы политической партии ДРУГГ Российской Федерации опубликованые 03.05.2006 в Российской газете № 92 (4058)

Яндекс цитирования
© Международное общественное объединение «ХАРТИЯ ДРУГГ» 2006  - Бесконечность ;
Российская Политическая Партия ДРУГГ, 2005-2006 гг.
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